The first building was finished in 2009. The Town Council of Pals commissioned the second phase of the works on the Community Centre to the architect Josep Maria Fortià in April 2010.

  • Commenced in:
    • 2011
  • Project editor:
    • Josep Maria Fortià, architect
  • Collaborators:
    • Eva Carreras, architect; Eduard Bonmatí, civil engineer; Daniel S. Carreras, engineer; David Matamala, geologist
  • Promoter:
    • Town Council of Pals

The facilities proposed are intended to complete the visual appearance of the previous actuation on the entire block. Whereas with the first intervention a functional building was designed with simple volumes and conventional materials, this time the intention is to create an iconic element by giving it a special singularity as an urban feature. It is planned to build a semi covered community square in the wide section of the Enric Fort Street and in front of the municipal sports hall, which would serve as entrance to the centre. In this sense, the building of this second phase seeks two objectives: on one hand, to create a large room for cultural activities that can be easily seen from the surrounding area, and on the other hand, to build a square and access construction that links the two phases and serves as an common access space for the main entrances to the two buildings.

A covered square is designed as a central access to the entire building. This square leads to the main entrance hall. It is covered with the same surface which covers the main building, and becomes an extension like a large jutting out shelter, leaving an open view of its sides. Furthermore, the shelter has 1x1m windows to permit natural light and create the effect of a combination of light and shadow on the square.

The square connects on one of its sides with the bar-café situated next to the multi-purpose room. This hall connects in a linear way with the access doors to the Seniors home/hotel and also with the doors on the other side of the multi-purpose room. By means of a corridor, this building is linked with the services area at the rear of the building: toilets, lockers and a cleaning room. From this hall there is access to the multi-purpose room with a rectangular shape and with an area of 218 m². The roof of the building has a diagonal slope creating a large face which is elevated towards the corner of the Enric Fort Street.