Remodeling of an old penthouse in the neighborhood of Sant Narcís (Girona).

  • Project dossier written in:
    • Josep Maria Fortià i Xavier Raya (Fortià Arquitectes)
  • Finalised in:
    • 2020
  • Collaborators:
    • Roger Soler, arquitecte tècnic; Dani Carreras, enginyer.

A young couple entrusted us with the remodeling of their home, in the historic district of Sant Narcís in Girona. From the beginning we advised them in the process of buying and choosing the property. We all believed in the potential of this penthouse, located in the center of the neighborhood, in one of the historic buildings of the 1950s by the Girona architect Ignasi Bosch Reig.

The intervention, which has been carefully discussed with the clients, proposes the comprehensive reform of the home in order to adapt it to current living conditions, mainly improving the aspects of comfort and energy efficiency. Thus, new spaces have been opened by demolishing some of the facings and habitable spaces have been gained from the closure of a gallery.